A dentist, also called a dental hygienist, is a professional who focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of oral disorders and diseases of the tooth’s oral cavity. The dentist’s surgical support team helps in giving oral healthcare services. They perform surgeries such as removing decayed teeth, repairing damaged teeth, filling the tooth, repositioning the teeth, extractions and root canals. The patient also gets advice on the causes of oral disease and how to avoid the disorder. The dentist usually treats cavity fillings with removable fillings or with prosthetic dentures.
Dentistry has become one of the most popular professions in the United States. This is especially true among the older crowd, which feels more comfortable dealing with dentists than physicians. However, like any other profession, there are some aspects of the practice that need to be given the necessary attention. For example, even though many people may associate dentists with oral health care, it is the clinical practice of dentistry that is of prime importance to the American Dental Association (ADA). The association has put a great emphasis on this form of specialized dentistry.
This form of dentistry involves both ends of the practice: the theoretical study of the human body, as well as its practical application. Dentists train for years to study the skeletal system of animals and humans. They also undergo rigorous training to learn how to take x-rays, operate microscopes, and use laboratory equipment for testing and research purposes. These skills can then be put to practical use by dentists. One cannot imagine the scope of oral diseases until they have visited a dentist. Here, they can see the extent of damage to the teeth caused by gum disease, cavities caused by tooth decay, or broken teeth.
Dentists can give a wide array of treatment options for all forms of oral health conditions. They treat cavities, root canal problems, decaying teeth, and periodontal diseases by treating the entire body. The work of a dentist often requires him or her to use their hands to perform tasks such as handling teeth, cleaning the gums, extracting teeth, and preparing dental instruments for surgeries.
Because of their hands-on nature, dentists are also involved in a variety of research and development activities aimed at providing the most effective treatments. These range from the study of human anatomy and physiology to new ways of using dental techniques and equipment. The goal of such efforts is to provide patients with an improved quality of life through preventative measures, such as root canal therapy, laser orthodontics, and dental prosthetics.
Root canals are among the most common procedures done by a dentist. In this procedure, a dentist inserts a titanium screw into the jawbone to remove a cavity or loosen a tooth. It is possible to get rid of a cavity in the jawbone, but sometimes it is not possible to reach the pulp that is found in the root canal. A tooth that has become decayed or loosened too much may have to be removed because there is no way to salvage the tooth or repair the root canal.